Sabtu, 12 Juni 2010

Wedding Anniversary Gifts by Year

Wedding Anniversary Gifts by Year
Wedding Anniversary Gifts by Year

Wedding Anniversary Gifts by Year
There is not agreement between As the years went by, more gifts were associated with various years. At fiftieth anniversaries, which did not occur much at all, the wife was given a wreath of gold. It was not that common, since the life expectancy was much shorter in those times, so the celebration was for the marriage, but also for the fact that both the husband and wife were still alive. So now we know who to thank, (or blame.) The wife would be presented with a wreath of silver at a celebration with neighbors and friends, when a German couple made it to 25 years.

History is sure of the location; Germany. There is no telling, for sure, when this tradition started, but it was between several hundred years ago, and possibly more than a thousand years ago. However, the individuals who choose to honor the tradition, do so with a sense of pride and a tend to receive a feeling of personal satisfaction. S., think that it is important enough to adhere to it on a strict basis. It is safe to presume, in the twenty first century, that only a small percentage of people, especially within the U.

What is the history of this tradition, and do a lot of people still follow it? Do you remember any of the other wedding anniversary gifts by year? Silver for 25 years and gold for 50 years. Most individuals are aware of the twenty fifth and the fiftieth wedding anniversaries, and what the traditional gifts associated with them are.

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