Jumat, 04 Juni 2010

Choosing a Wedding Photographer

Choosing a Wedding Photographer
Hopefully you'll only get wed once and it's no surprise that for many people this is the most precious and important day in their lives. Good wedding photography will help capture this perfect day forever and will serve a a permanent reminder of your big day. With expectations high it's little wonder that for many brides choosing a wedding photographer proves to be a painful and angst ridden experience.

Masters of diplomacy and tact the wedding photographer must work with great speed, confidence and of course technical competence. A great one will quietly and effortlessly fit into your day without without creating a scene, a poor one will obsess, embroil you in their anxiety and even upset your wedding guests. Thankfully out of the many weddings that I've been lucky enough to attend or have a part in, almost all of the photographers have fallen into the 'good' category. Sadly though there have been one or two exceptions in recent times. At these weddings the photographers exhibited all the negative attributes mentioned above, but worst still the end results were quite awful and totally unacceptable from a so called professional photographer.

Since the massive boom the wedding industry has witnessed in recent years, the lure of big money has proven irresistible to many photographers and hence the industry has seen a big influx in the number of budding wedding photographers. It has attracted many part time or previously amateur photographers into the profession, each one wanting a portion of this big fat wedding cake. Trying to weed out the good from the ugly can prove difficult so here are the issues that I would recommend you consider before making your choice.

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