Jumat, 04 Juni 2010

Wedding Obstacles and Problems

Wedding Obstacles and Problems
They may also feel They may feel upset that you did not include religious aspects in your ceremony. One problem you may encounter is that of guests with religious differences. Don't get on the defensive, and try not to offend the other person with your explanation.

If you changed the wording of the ceremony, let them know why you felt it was important not to include certain terminology or words. Let them know the personal meaning it had, or let them know why you replaced an old tradition with a new one. Explain to them why you chose the specific part of your ceremony that they are asking you about. People are always curious when they see something new and they just need more information in order to understand.

You may have some explaining to do to some of your guests, but you should not be offended by their questions. They take the wedding itself as the indication that you have those feelings and they might not feel comfortable with your public displays of affection. They might not understand why you feel the need to go into great detail about why you love someone or how much you love them. The older generation might not recognize your modern wedding as an official ceremony. One question that might pop up is the one that questions whether it's a wedding or not.

If you are planning to have a wedding that doesn't adhere to the traditional idea that people have for a wedding ceremony you should be prepared to encounter some questions.

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