Sabtu, 05 Juni 2010

Wedding Insurance - Just Another Big Con?

Wedding Insurance - Just Another Big Con?

Wedding Insurance - Just Another Big Con?
As you consider all of this, and remember that the cost of yet another insurance policy could well be the difference between having an extra guest, or a few extra flowers, or even another few bottles of wine, you may start to lull yourself into a sense of security, and leave it for now. But even if things do go pear shaped, you've still got health insurance and home insurance for your possessions, and you may even have remembered that items such as your rings were purchased on your credit card, meaning that they're protected by your card provider's complimentary insurance policy. They wouldn't let you down, or let anything bad happen.

A wedding is a happy, glorious occasion, and the people present are your family and friends. After all, it's not as though you're driving a car on a motorway with millions of other people, or entrusting your home to the elements and would be thieves. Wedding insurance can often seem to be something of a waste of money, and since weddings are expensive enough already, isn't it just another unnecessary expense that you can easily skip? With car insurance, health insurance, home insurance, travel insurance and strawberry jam insurance, there seems little left to insure. Sometimes it seems that wedding insurance is just another way the insurance industry has worked out how to extract more money from us.

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